Rise with me.

I am Bruna Bortolato

Bruna Bortolato is a spiritual guide, mentor, DJ, movement teacher & ceremonialist who with deep dedication initiates cacao ceremonies, opening hearts to feminine power and profound healing. Her journey began at the age of 23 when she bravely left Brazil to explore yoga, meditation, and ancient wisdom around the world.

Now settled in the heart of Guatemala, surrounded by majestic mountains and the El Fuego volcano, she shares her passion and love for Cacao with those seeking transformation. Bruna believes that Cacao is a gateway to the heart of the Earth, a key to deeper love and compassion. Through the extraordinary gatherings she organizes with her partner Mose, she invites celebration of life, embodiment of oneself and one’s dreams, and true freedom. She inspires the creation of a space where participants can experience tender presence, cultivating gratitude and love as foundations for a better world. Bruna has studied holistic coaching for over four years and has attended and hosted many workshops and retreats. She teaches embodiment through sacred movement, a practice of being in your body—that ignites creativity, connection, and community.

Spiritual growth involves giving up the stories of your past so the universe can write a new one.
— Marianne Williamson

Her main focus in this practice is to hold space by creating a safe-boundaries-environment in which people can integrate, transform and heal in body, mind, heart and spirit. She leads sharing circles and different workshops, helping women break free from old patterns to discover a truest sense of freedom. Bruna also works closely with her dreams and incorporates the hermetic qabalistic tree of life as a map. She has spent many days in silent retreat over the past 5 years and it has taken a primary role in her path of self discovery. Bruna finds that by spending extended periods of silence she can connect deeper with spirit and her highest self. Bruna is on a mission to help women awaken on a global scale. She believes healing must be done collectively. With more and more women stepping up, she anticipates the world will witness the greatest transformation.


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